swampchode Lord Kur PortraitOfSanity Devildowninga Mr. T GoatSerpent GoatOrgy Teabag Stallone LizardMessiah
ORfound onother blogs, forums, OR elsewhereon the web for the purpose of previewing/reviewing and should not be seen as a substitute for the original, legal, RIAA approved product.
Remember, if you like it, BUY it!! If anyone has a problem with their albums being posted here let us know and it will be removed ASAP.
Don't be a looter......
Leave a comment if you download!!
Would you like to contribute? Have your band on here? Just chat?
I originally started this blog with the intent to create an archive of New Orleans/Louisiana based bands demo's, EP's, full lengths and live recordings. My primary focus was to feature a little bit of everything going on in this great city. There are many bands past and present that have never gotten the recognition that they (in my opinion) truly deserved.
So I figured why not start converting all these demo tapes and etc. and share them with the world? But as I kicked the idea around on a few message boards and with friends, I decided to not just limit the page to Louisiana.
So here you will find artists from all across the globe, some may be well known, others may not. Here at Nola 504 and More, the Krewe and myself all have very unique musical tastes, which I think helps our page really stand out.
Yes, we may feature a lot of metal, but we also have punk, country, jazz, rockabilly, etc. Musical "gumbo" so to speak; meaning a little bit of everything. So, if you are/were in a band from Louisiana, or anywhere else in the world, and care to share it with the rest of the world, drop one of us an email. We'd love to check it out!
Thank you for posting this! Any Eyehategod is great Eyehategod.