Origin: France (Avignon, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur)
Formed: 2000
Genre: Black Metal
Last Lineup:
La Sale Famine de Valfunde (formerly Feu Cruel) - Guitar, Bass, Lyrics, Vocals
Ragondin - Bass
A. Julia - Drums
Sainte Audrey-Yolande de la Molteverge - Rock and Soprano Voices, Piano, Hammond Organ
1. Neire Peste
2. La Mesniee Mordrissoire
3. Ballade Cuntre les Anemis de la France - De François Villon
4. Concerto Pour Cloportes
5. La France Bouge - Par K.P.N. (Chant de l'Action Française)
6. A la Mortaille!
7. Vespre
8. Rance Black Metal de France
9. Requiem Pour Nioka (Á un Berger-Allemand)
10. Soleils Couchants - De Verlaine
I've never been a huge fan of Peste Noire but this album caught my attention and I've enjoyed it a lot. It's mostly nationalistic anthems with lots of rocking parts. It's kind of hard to describe but it's raw and ugly for the most part with nice melody and killer vocals. It's a dirty dirty album. Enjoy!
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Thanks for this, I think, never heard them. Nice, interesting mix of music on here.