Short, Fast + Loud! Vol.1 (2000)
Hello readers of "Nola 504 and More" I'm just climbing aboard as a contributor to this great blog. I would like to give a big thanks to Swampchode and crew for the offer to become a member of the team and have a chance to get some tunes out that hopefully a few of you will enjoy. Bare with me as I slowly get the hang of things around here as a contributor as I was just a regular follower. If you like something give support to the band or label and purchase it, also it's really easy to leave comments......Cheers!
I didn't really know where to start so I'll bring a little variety to the plate so to speak....eh!
" Short, Fast + Loud! Vol.1" is a compilation of 40 bands from all over the globe bringing you sonic fury at break neck speeds and grinding heaviness. Released in 2000 by one of my favorite labels throughout the nineties, Slap A Ham Records. The comp shares the name with a 'zine started by Slap A Ham head honcho Chris Dodge (Spazz) and delivers exactly what the title states songs that are short, fast and loud. This was release # 59 in the Slap A Ham catalog that had an output of 64 total from 1989 to 2002. If you can get down to D.I.Y Fastcore, Grindcore, Crust, Noisecore, Powerviolence and Thrash then check this out.
Track Listing:
1. Aftermath - Loyalty Oath
2. B.S.E - What's Worse?
3. Catheter - Slain and Broken
4. Dataclast - Strategic Intertext
5. Daybreak - Romulan Boarding Party
6. Dead Nation - What Are You gonna Do about It?
7. Despite - Crust
8. Discordia - Segregacion
9. Dread 101 - Predestination
10. Dumbstruck - 180 Degrees
11. El Nudo - Hate and Hate
12. Entropia - Assunizone
13. Existench - Cleanse
14. Fetus Eaters - Father Howard
15. Goat Shanty - Thirteen
16. In Control - Crash and Burn
17. Insult - Let's Give Emo Something To cry about
18. Iron Lung - Pushing Life
19. Kontortion - Boxed In / Closed Off
20. Lana Dagales - Instrumental
21. Life In A Burn Clinic - Unsilence
22. Life's Halt - Take It To The Heart
23. Mouthbreather - Pandemic
24. Mukeka Di Rato - Mickey
25. Otophobia - Blue Polyester
26. Peruke - Your Choice
27. Pignation - Moral Demise
28. Point Of Few - Developed Research
29. Progeria - Life's Scars
30. Ruinacre - Atrophied Emotions
31. Ruination - Who's In Season
32. The Scarlet Letter - Collateral Damage
33. Shank - Ergot
34. Spaul - Unexpected Terms
35. Totally Ridiculous - Conquer Earth
36. Tusks Of Blood - Flesheater
37. The Ultimate Warriors - The Only Good Mark
38. Uniq - Take No Notice
39. What Happens Next - Those Who Own The Streets
40. Wilbur Cobb - N.S.T.
Lets go!